Re: Stemme uit die doderyk
Hier volg solank moontlike redes waarom spoke op aarde voorkom. Die agtergrond berus op die geredigeerde weergawe van die artikel geplaas deur Stefanus. Later meer hieroor.
Some souls desire to return again and again to the physical state without spending enough time in spirit to evaluate and plan their next incarnation in the flesh. Any habit-forming pleasure, and they are endless, traps them into the cycle of rebirth over and over, until their appetites are finally put aside while they are in the flesh. The lust for money, lust for power, lust for sex, and other habits such as an unnatural craving for alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or any habit they are unable to break loose from, can keep souls earthbound. Some are so overly fond of the bodies they left behind that they are hardly able to wait for an opportunity to reincarnate and set to work indulging their new bodies. These souls will not be able to advance spiritually until they learn to give less thought to appetites of the flesh. (Ruth Montgomery)
People who die as an alcoholic can hover around people on Earth who drink too much, lusting after the pleasures of alcoholism yet unable to break the bond of habit which bound them to their physical bodies. The same with heavy smokers or drug users, there or here, or the sex maniacs who take advantage of others to appease the bodily craving for intercourse. This is a very important lesson which we learn on this side. To escape the perpetual cycle of rebirth into physical form, we must erase the ties, the shackles which bind us to satiation of the physical body. So try to lick the bad habits while on Earth. It is easier by far than to come unloose from them on Earth. Those who neither drink nor smoke nor use drugs nor lust after sex will be free of those shackles on the other side.
It is easier while in physical form to break those shackles than it is to undo them on the other side, where no temptations are put in our way. Thus, there is no reward for behaving correctly here in spirit, because there is nothing to tempt us otherwise. The hard school is in the physical one, and there it is there that we must meet and overcome the temptations.
Hier volg solank moontlike redes waarom spoke op aarde voorkom. Die agtergrond berus op die geredigeerde weergawe van die artikel geplaas deur Stefanus. Later meer hieroor.
Some souls desire to return again and again to the physical state without spending enough time in spirit to evaluate and plan their next incarnation in the flesh. Any habit-forming pleasure, and they are endless, traps them into the cycle of rebirth over and over, until their appetites are finally put aside while they are in the flesh. The lust for money, lust for power, lust for sex, and other habits such as an unnatural craving for alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or any habit they are unable to break loose from, can keep souls earthbound. Some are so overly fond of the bodies they left behind that they are hardly able to wait for an opportunity to reincarnate and set to work indulging their new bodies. These souls will not be able to advance spiritually until they learn to give less thought to appetites of the flesh. (Ruth Montgomery)
An Example of a Drug Addict's Death Experience
People who die as an alcoholic can hover around people on Earth who drink too much, lusting after the pleasures of alcoholism yet unable to break the bond of habit which bound them to their physical bodies. The same with heavy smokers or drug users, there or here, or the sex maniacs who take advantage of others to appease the bodily craving for intercourse. This is a very important lesson which we learn on this side. To escape the perpetual cycle of rebirth into physical form, we must erase the ties, the shackles which bind us to satiation of the physical body. So try to lick the bad habits while on Earth. It is easier by far than to come unloose from them on Earth. Those who neither drink nor smoke nor use drugs nor lust after sex will be free of those shackles on the other side.
It is easier while in physical form to break those shackles than it is to undo them on the other side, where no temptations are put in our way. Thus, there is no reward for behaving correctly here in spirit, because there is nothing to tempt us otherwise. The hard school is in the physical one, and there it is there that we must meet and overcome the temptations.