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Israel War Criminals
Palestinians are Right to Resist
Abby Martin voer 'n onderhoud met 'n voormalige Israeliese weermag-vegsoldaat wat as 'n besetter in die stad Hebron in Palestina gedien het. Eran Efrati het jare lank as 'n sersant en soldaat in die Israeliese weermag deurgebring, maar het sedertdien 'n uitgesproke kritikus van die besetting van Palestina en Israeliese apartheid geword.
Efrati lewer plofbare getuienis oor die realiteit van sy diens en verduidelik hoe oorlogsmisdade geïnstitusionaliseer word, asook hoe sistematies die onderdrukking teen Palestyne is.
Israel Defense Force's Incompetence and Palestine's Progress: Scott Ritter's Perspective
TLDR Israel's role in transforming Hamas from a terrorist organization into a political party has had significant implications for the conflict in the region.
Key insights- 🚨
Israel's role in transforming Hamas from a terrorist organization into a political party has had significant implications for the conflict in the region. - 🏗️
The idea of the settlements in Gaza being peaceful farming villages is inaccurate, as they are part of a fortified military belt designed to contain the Palestinian population. - 🎖️
The Israel Defense Force is composed of inexperienced junior officers and enlisted personnel, lacking the combat-hardened experience of seasoned Marines. - 🔥
The incompetence of the Israel Defense Force has led to devastating consequences for innocent civilians. - 🛡️
The first wave of people going across the border were hardcore fighters who were better trained than the Israelis, and had been preparing for this mission for over a year.
Q&A- What role did Israel play in transforming Hamas?
— Israel's removal of settlements from Gaza and relocation to the West Bank allowed Hamas to gain political power. - What is the current status of Gaza?
— Gaza is occupied territory with a fortified military belt surrounding it. - How competent is the Israel Defense Force?
— The Israel Defense Force is considered incompetent. - What is the goal of Palestine?
— Palestine is close to reaching its goal. - What are the implications of Hamas gaining political power?
— The implications of Hamas gaining political power have had significant implications for the conflict in the region.
Timestamped Summary- 🗣️
00:00 Israel helped transform Hamas from a terrorist organization into a political party, but then helped promote a breach in relationships between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, leading to incompetence in the Israel Defense Force and progress for Palestine. - 🚨
01:51 Israel removed settlements from Gaza but relocated them to the West Bank, and Hamas gained political power, while the surrounding area of Gaza is occupied territory with a fortified military belt, IDF is incompetent and Palestine is close to reaching its goal. - 👎
03:46 Israel Defense Force's Gan Brigade was defeated by Hamas in a standup fight, showing incompetence and indicating that Palestine is close to reaching its goal. - 👎
04:55 Israel Defense Force is incompetent and consists of conscript soldiers, not professional warriors. - 🗣️
05:51 Israel Defense Force is incompetent and Palestine is close to reaching its goal due to the lack of experienced soldiers and proper training. - 💬
07:14 Israel Defense Force is incompetent and Palestine is close to reaching its goal. - 💬
08:01 Israel Defense Force failed to protect civilians, resulting in the death of young women and the capture of survivors by Hamas. - 👎
09:11 Israel Defense Force is incompetent and Palestine is close to reaching its goal because Hamas fighters are better trained and prepared for attacks than the Israeli soldiers.
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