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Russians and the Anglo-Boer War

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  • Die Ou Man
    Re: Russians and the Anglo-Boer War

    Президенту ЮАР Джейкобу Зуму
    Адрес: South Africa, Union Buildings, Private Bag X1000, Pretoria, 0001

    От главы Центральной управы ДПНИ Басманова Владимира Анатольевича Обращение по поводу убийства гражданина ЮАР Ю.Тэрибланша и расовой дискриминации белого населения в ЮАР
    В связи с убийством выдающегося политического деятеля и гражданина ЮАР Юджина Тэрибланша по причине его расовой принадлежности и идеологических убеждений, а также в связи с систематическим нарушением прав белого населения в ЮАР, мы требуем:

    1. Предоставления квотированного числа мест для партий, представляющих интересы белого большинства (таких как Фронт свободы плюс, Возрожденная националистическая партия и д.р.);

    2. Прекратить дискриминацию белого населения;

    3. Наказать ответственных в убийстве Тэрибланша, а также Джулиуса Малема, призвавшего убивать буров;

    4. Разработать программы по возращению белых граждан ЮАР (большая часть из которых к тому же является высококвалифицированными специалистами, массовый приток которых мог бы существенно способствовать развитию республики в целом), которые вынуждёны были покинуть республику в связи с высоким уровнем расовой дискриминации (предоставление пакета социальных гарантий, выделение финансовых средств на освоение, льготных кредитов на покупку жилья и его благоустройства);

    5. Отменить квотирование рабочих мест для чёрнокожих граждан ЮАР;

    6. Выделить государственные субсидии отрядам самообороны белых граждан;

    7. Признать национальную валюту Орании, а также права Орании на развитие собственных независимых СМИ;

    8. Признать право буров на создание своего независимого государства ? Фолькштат, либо культурной автономии на северо-востоке страны;

    9. Ограничить нелегальную иммиграцию из соседних африканских стран.

    13 апреля 2010 года


    To: President of South Africa
    Mr. Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma
    Adress: South Africa, Union Buildings, Private Bag X1000, Pretoria, 0001

    From: Head of central executive commitee of DPNI
    Basmanov Vladimir Anatolievich

    Appeal due to killing of South African Eugene Ney Terblansh and racial discrimination the white population in South Africa

    In correspondence with the murder of prominent politician and a citizen of South Africa Eugene Ney Terblansh due to his race and ideology, as well as in connection with the systematic violation of the rights of white people in South Africa, we insist of:

    1. Providing quoted number of seats for parties representing the interests of the white majority (such as the Freedom Front Plus, Revived Nationalist Party, and etc.);

    2. Stop discrimination against white people;

    3. Punish those who is responsible in the murder of Eugene Terblansh and punish Julius Maleme, who induced to kill a Boer;

    4. Develop programs for the return of the white citizens of South Africa (most of which is also a highly skilled experts, the massive influx of which could significantly contribute to the development of the republic as a whole) who were forced to leave the country due to high levels of racial discrimination (providing a package of social guarantees, funding

    for development, soft loans for housing purchase and improvement);

    5. Cancel job quotas for blacks in South Africa;

    6. Select state subsidies vigilante groups of white citizens;

    7. Accept right for national currency of Orania, and the right to develop its own independent mass media of Orania;

    8. Admit the right of the Boers to establish their independent state - Folkshtat or cultural autonomy in the north-east of the country;

    9. Limit illegal immigration from neighboring African countries.

    April 13, 2010


    Генеральному секретарю ООН
    Пан Ги Муну

    Адрес: United Nations Headquarters,
    First Avenue at 46-th Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA

    От главы Центральной управы ДПНИ
    Басманова Владимира Анатольевича


    По поводу дискриминации и нарушения прав белого населения в ЮАР

    Организация объединённых наций (ООН) создана мировым сообществом для укрепления мира и безопасности и выступает гарантом соблюдения прав человека по всему миру. Особой зоной внимания всех международных правозащитных организаций всегда являлась реализация права национального меньшинства на самоопределение, что особенно актуально в ситуации, когда национальное большинство, получившее главенствующие должности в государстве, проводит целенаправленную и систематическую политику дискриминации. Именно такая система по отношению к белому национальному меньшинству в ЮАР выстроена сегодня.

    Во времена апартеида ООН активно вмешалась во внутренние вопросы государства с целью недопущения дальнейшей расовой дискриминации чёрнокожего населения. Однако уже 20 лет как правление апартеида осталась в прошлом, а уровень нарушения прав граждан в связи с их расовой принадлежностью только вырос, хотя сама дискриминация теперь имеет обратный характер.

    Одним из ярких примеров сказанного является квотирование рабочих мест для чернокожих жителей государства, что приводит к дискриминации в праве на труд белого населения и утечке высококвалифицированных специалистов, что существенно усиливает кризис институтов здравоохранения и обеспечения правопорядка.

    20 лет в самом развитом регионе африканского континента осуществляется социальный геноцид белых и целенаправленное провоцирование криминального контингента на совершение преступлений различной степени тяжести в отношении белых граждан ЮАР, в том числе убийств, изнасилований, грабежей. Попытки создания и развития отрядов народной самообороны бурами - пресекаются. Это при том, что в местах компактного поселения буров либо белых европейцев, где отсутствуют отряды самообороны, преступными группами темнокожих африканцев проводятся локальные этнические чистки. Преступления по фактам насилия над белыми гражданами в связи с их расовой принадлежностью либо не расследуются властями, либо расследуются избирательно.

    Наличие дискриминации белых в Южно-Африканской республике неизбежно вызывает возмущение мировой общественности и ставит под сомнение целесообразность введения преимуществ для общностей, подвергавшихся дискриминации в прошлом.

    Таким образом, деятельность властей ЮАР по отношению к белым гражданам подрывает уровень доверия к идеям равноправия, поликультурности, открытого общества, поддержки прав национальных меньшинств национальным большинством.

    Недавно представителем молодёжной организации правящей партии ?Африканский национальный конгресс? Джулиусом Малемом (публично исполнившим песню ?Убей бура?) была спровоцирована очередная волна насилия по отношению к белому населению ЮАР, в результате которой был до смерти забит 69 летний представитель оппозиции ? Юджин Ней Тэрбланш.

    Исходя из вышесказанного мы, Российское общественное Движение против нелегальной иммиграции (ДПНИ), требуем от Организации Объединенных Наций принятия следующих мер для обеспечения безопасности проживания в Южно-Африканской республики всех лиц, вне зависимости от их расовой принадлежности, а также обеспечения соблюдения прав человека и недопустимости политики двойных стандартов:

    1. Признать право буров на создание своего независимого государства ? Фолькштат, либо культурной автономии на северо-востоке страны;

    2. Рассмотреть вопрос о создании системы финансовой и гуманитарной поддержки создания и развития белых автономий, позволяющих белому населению ЮАР реализовать своё право на национальное развитие, по образцу города Орания;

    3. Разработать рекомендации по ликвидации дискриминации белого населения на территории ЮАР;

    4. Обязать отменить квотирование трудовых мест для темнокожего населения;

    5. Предоставить квотированное число мест в парламенте для партий, представляющих интересы национальных меньшинств (таких как Фронт свободы плюс, Возрожденная националистическая партия и д.р.);

    6. Способствовать признанию национальной валюты Орании, а также права Орании на развитие собственных независимых СМИ;

    7. В случае продолжения дискриминации белого национального меньшинства и централизованного давления на политическую оппозицию, представляющую их интересы, приостановить членство ЮАР в ООН;

    8. Ввести ограниченный миротворческий контингент на территорию ЮАР для защиты прав национального меньшинства, контроля за прекращением этнических чисток, а также снижения вопиющего уровня преступности в стране;

    9. Разработать программы по решению проблемы нелегальной иммиграции, размеры которой, по некоторым данным, составляют до четверти населения страны. Как известно, уровень нелегальной иммиграции прямо пропорционален уровню преступности, в том числе, совершаемой на почве межрасовой неприязни;

    10. Усилить контроль за соблюдением прав белых в других африканских странах, в особенности в тех, где белое меньшинство традиционно проявляло высокую социальную, экономическую, политическую активность, таких как Кения, Зимбабве, Ангола и Мозамбик.

    Прошу Вас, господин Генеральный секретарь, дать ответы или комментарии по существу изложенного.


    To: Secretary-General UN Mr. Ban Ki-moon

    Adress: United Nations Headquarters,
    First Avenue at 46-th Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA

    From: Head of central executive commitee of DPNI
    BasmanovVladimir Anatolievich

    Appeal to Secretary-General with regard to discrimination and violation of rights of white people in South Africa.

    United Nations (UN) was created by the international community to keep peace and security and as a guarantor of human rights around the world. A particular area of attention of all international human rights organizations has always been a realization of the rights of national minorities to self-determination, which is especially important in situations where the national majority, have taken a commanding position in the state, conducting a proactive and systematic policy of discrimination. Such system is available in attitude to the white ethnic minority in South Africa and such situation has continuation basis even today.

    During the apartheid era the UN played active role in internal affairs of different countries in order to prevent further racial discrimination of black people. However, it is 20 years as a board of apartheid behind us, and the level of civil rights violations because of their race only increased, even though the discrimination is now reversed.
    One good example of this is system of job quotas distribution for black residents of the state, which leads to discrimination the right to work of white people and a drain of qualified professionals, which significantly enhances the crisis in health care institutions and law enforcement.

    During 20 years time South Africa is standing under social discrimination of white people by black majority with provocations of the criminal contingent with different kind of offenses against the white South African citizens, including murder, rape, looting.

    All attempts to establish and develop people's self-defence detachments forces were prosecuted. This is despite the fact that in places of compact settlement of Boers or white Europeans, where there are no white self-defence militias, criminal groups of black Africans are executing ethnic purges. Crimes on violence against Whites because of their race or not investigated by the authorities, or selectively investigated.

    The presence of white discrimination in South Africa inevitably is outraged by world society opinion and reproduces doubts in necessity of introducing benefits for communities which were affected by discrimination in the past.

    Thus, all activities of the South African authorities to the white citizens undermine confidence in the ideas of equality, multiculturalism, open society, support the rights of national minorities a national majority.

    Recently, representative of the youth organization of the ruling African National Congress - Julius Maleme publicly performed the song "Kill the Boer" and triggered another wave of violence against the white population of South Africa, which resulted in the death of up to 69 year-old opposition representative - Eugene Ney Terblansh.

    Based on the foregoing, we, as Russian Public Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI), require from the United Nations to adopt the following measures to ensure security at the South African republic of all persons, regardless of their race, basing on respect of human rights and without double standards:

    1. Confirm the right of the Boers to establish their independent state - Folkshtat or cultural autonomy in the north-east of the country;

    2. Consider the issue about establishing a system of financial and humanitarian support for the creation and development of white autonomy, allowing the white population of South Africa to realize their right for national development, the model of Orania city;

    3. To elaborate recommendations for the elimination of discrimination of the white population in South Africa;

    4. To abolishing the quota of jobs for black people;

    5. To grant quoted number of seats in Parliament to parties which are representing the interests of national minorities (such as the Freedom Front Plus, Revival Nationalist Party, and etc.);

    6. To promote legalisation of the national currency of Orania- Oranim and offer the right to develop their own independent media;

    7. In case of continued discrimination of white ethnic minority, and pressure on the political opposition, representing their interests of white people, countermeasure is to suspend the membership of South Africa in the UN;

    8. To place limited peacekeeping contingent on the territory of South Africa to protect the rights of national minorities, to stop ethnic purges, as well as reducing the level of blatant criminality in the country;

    9. Develop programs to address the problem of illegal immigrants, the quantity of them, according to some sources, is more than 25% of total population. It is known that illegal immigration is directly proportional to the level of crime, including motivated by racial hatred;

    10. Strengthen the monitoring of human rights of white population in other African countries, especially in those where the white minority has traditionally exercised significant social, economic, political activity, such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Angola and Mozambique.

    Please would be so kind, Mr. Secretary-General, to give answers or comment on the merits of the above.

    Date: 12/04/2010


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  • Die Ou Man
    Dit is die tweede keer dat die top struktuur van Pole gedood word by Smolensk.

    Die Poolse president was op pad na Katyn, ongeveer 19km van Smolensk vir die sewentigste herdenking van die Slagting van Katyn.

    Dit is waar ongeveer 20 000 Poolse offisiere in krygsgevangeskap onder handtekening van die Politburo en Josef Stalin in 'n massamoord omgekom het, gedurende WO II. Duitsland was vir dekades vir hierdie massamoord beskuldig.

    Die Slagting van Katyn is die Poolse weergawe van die Boere se konsentrasie kamp sterftes.

    Daardie slagting is vandag nog rou in die geheue van die Pole.

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  • Die Ou Man
    Smolensk is die plek van nog 'n tragedie.

    Polish president's plane crashes


    Smolensk, Russia - A plane carrying Polish president Lech Kaczynski has crashed on approach to Smolensk airport in western Russia, a Polish official at the airport told Reuters on Saturday.

    The Tass news agency reports that 87 people were onboard the plane. The official said there was no information yet about survivors.


    Originally posted by Die Ou Man View Post

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  • Die Ou Man
    Re: Russians and the Anglo-Boer War

    'n Vriend uit Rusland was behulpsaam en het die Russiese lied: "Transvaal, Transvaal. My land is in vlamme" opgespoor.

    Well, I found this song.

    And few details:

    "Transvaal, Transvaal, my country, you are all in flames!" is a Russian song composed on the basis of poem "Boer and his sons" by Glaphyre Galina. Poem was published in autumn 1899 and was a respond to the events of the Boer War.

    Later the poem was slightly changed by folk - first lines were added which became the title of the song. Melody and folk insert appeared under the influence of the song "Among the flat valleys?. The song enjoyed popularity in Russia after the Boer War also, especially during the war (World War I and Civil).

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  • Die Ou Man
    Iliya Glazunov

    Iliya Glazunov is one of the greatest present day true Russian artists. His works are inspiring and honest. His love of Russian culture and tragedy of the revolution affects his almost every painting.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Iliya Glazunov.webp Views:	0 Size:	7.0 KB ID:	14105

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    "Destruction of the Church during the Easter" (1999)

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    Returning of the prodigal son

    Glazunov believes that through all sufferings and tragedies that occurred in Russia in the 20th century, the true Russian spirit will arise once again and Russia will shine in its glory until the end of the world. That is why he so devotedly inserts the image of Christ in contrast to the current state of afairs. But until then - (1994):

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    Russia! Awake!

    Apocalypse and the Judgment Day will bring an end to the current situation. Glazunov brilliantly uses the image of our reality and prophecies of New Testament. (1990):

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    The Mystery of 20th Century

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    Attached Files

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  • Die Ou Man
    Transvaal, my country

    Mikhail Isakovsky

    Трансвааль, страна моя
    Трансвааль, Трансвааль, страна моя!
    Ты вся горишь в огне!
    Под деревом развесистым
    Задумчив бур сидел.

    О чём задумался, детина,
    О чём горюешь, седина?
    Горюю я по родине,
    И жаль мне край родной.

    Сынов всех девять у меня,
    Троих уж нет в живых,
    А за свободу борются
    Шесть юных остальных.

    А старший сын — старик седой
    Убит был на войне:
    Он без молитвы, без креста
    Зарыт в чужой земле.

    А младший сын — тринадцать лет —
    Просился на войну,
    Но я сказал, что нет, нет, нет —
    Малютку не возьму.

    Отец, отец, возьми меня
    С собою на войну —
    Я жертвую за родину
    Младую жизнь свою.

    Я выслушал его слова,
    Обнял, поцеловал
    И в тот же день, и в тот же час
    На поле брани взял.

    Однажды при сражении
    Отбит был наш обоз,
    Малютка на позицию
    Патрон ползком принёс.

    Настал, настал тяжёлый час
    Для родины моей,
    Молитесь, женщины,
    За ваших сыновей.

    Трансвааль, Трансвааль, страна моя!
    Бур старый говорит:
    За кривду Бог накажет вас,
    За правду наградит.
    English translation

    Transvaal, my country
    Transvaal, Transvaal, my country, 1
    You're all on fire!
    Thoughtful Boer is sitting
    Under the branchy tree.

    What are thinking about, pal
    What are you sorrowing over, old man?
    'I yearn for home,
    And sorry for my homeland'.

    I had nine sons,
    Three of them are in a better place now.
    And other six youngsters
    Are fighting for freedom

    The older son, the grizzle one
    Was killed on the war.
    He was buried in an alien land without prayer
    And without a cross on the grave.

    A younger son of thirteen years old
    Asked to go the war
    But I replied, 'No, no, no,
    I won't take the baby'.

    'Father, father, take me
    To the war with you -
    I'll sacrifice my young life
    For my homeland!'

    I listened to him, then
    Hugged and kissed
    And on the same day
    I took him to the battlefield.

    Once Upon a Battle
    Our convoy was repulsed,
    The young one crawled for ammo
    And brought it to the troop location

    The dark time has come
    For my country
    So women, pray
    For your sons.

    Transvaal, Transvaal, my country,
    Old Boer says:
    God will punish you for the deception
    And he'll reward for the truth.

    The Anglo-Boer War must have touched upon some vital nerve in the Russian society if it proved to be so important to so many different people and has been remembered for so many decades. We still have to understand what it was that made the Russians during the Soviet era feel so nostalgic about it.


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  • Die Ou Man
    The Pro-Boer Craze


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  • Die Ou Man

    Literary Russia and the Anglo-Boer War Source

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  • Die Ou Man
    Book Review: The Russians and the Anglo Boer War

    Reviewed by Kobus du Pisani Source

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  • Die Ou Man
    started a topic Russians and the Anglo-Boer War

    Russians and the Anglo-Boer War

    Russians and the Anglo-Boer War

    by Apollon Davidson and Irina Filatova

    Published by: Human and Rousseau/Combined Book Services 287 pp. ?17.99

    When we were at school 70 years ago, a quarter of the World's map was coloured red to denote the territories of the British Empire on which the sun never set. Britain did not acquire this largest Empire in history by chance, or by mere luck, Britain fought its way at every turn in the face of jealous rivals such as Russia, France, Spain and Germany.

    Even when transport was slow and the motorcar and aeroplane were not yet in service, Britain could despatch half a million troops to South Africa to protect the long route to India via the Cape. Jews played a major part in Britain's ascendancy in the 19th Century.

    Benjamin Disraeli whose family were members of the Sephardi Bevis Marks Synagogue, acquired the shares of the Suez Canal with the help of the Rothschilds and he made Victoria Empress of India.

    Educated Baghdadi Jews likewise helped to further the extent of the British advance in the Far East to China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.

    At the outbreak of the Boer War in 1899, Tsar Nicholas wrote to his sister, "I am wholly pre-occupied with the war between England and the Transvaal. Every day I read the news in the British newspapers from the first to the last line.... I cannot conceal my joy at Boer success."

    Britain's hold on South Africa was significant for the Russians partly because the route to India lay via the Cape, and as Governors of the Cape were only too aware, Russia had its own designs on India.

    In 1879 the British feared that Russia might take advantage of the Zulu War and strike in Central Asia - or even send arms to the Zulus. The young Jan Smuts, conscious of this Russian interest, advised his Boer colleagues on the eve of war to prevail on the Russians to foment an anti-British rising in India. In fact, Kruger, thinking along similar lines, had already sent the Russian Jewish emigre financier Benzion Aaron to represent the Transvaal at Nicholas's coronation in 1896.

    Russian interests clashed with Britain's in central Asia, Iran, the Bosphorus, the Mediterranean and the Balkans as well as over India; and in addition to her vengeful feelings about the Crimean War, Russia felt herself blocked at every turn by Britain. Wildly excited at the thought that the Boers might at last have created the vital crack in the wall of the British Empire, Nicholas rushed off to see the Kaiser (both grandsons of the reigning Queen Victoria). 'I intend to set the Emperor on the British - while the Russian Foreign Minister tried to interest the French in an anti-British alliance. In order to increase the pressure, Russia built up its Mediterranean and Atlantic fleets and even courted provocation with the dispatch of four cruisers to the Channel. At the same time, Russian troops were moved up to the borders of India and Afghanistan.

    The Tsar was, in fact, quite carried away. 'You know, my dear,' he told his sister, but it is pleasant for me to know that I and I only possess the ultimate means of deciding the course of the war in South Africa. It is very simple - just a telegraphic order to all the troops in Turkestan to mobilise and advance towards the Indian frontier. Not even the strongest fleet in the world can keep us from striking England at this her most vulnerable point.' Such was Nicholas's 'dearest dream' but it came to nothing. The Germans and French scuttled away; Russia was in no position to take on Britain without their help.

    Several hundred Russians came out to fight for the Boers and to be their nurses and doctors. It is difficult to be precise about the size of this group because many thousands of Jews, fleeing from the pogroms in Russia, had already joined the great gold rush to the Transvaal in the latter part of the 1880's. A good number of these left the Transvaal at the outbreak of war, some to join the British forces; but many fought for the Boers and probably accounted for the majority of the entire Russian contingent. The problem was that in the eyes of the often anti-Semitic Russian nationalists who flocked to the Boer cause such people were not Russians at all: the nationalists formed a separate Russian Commando unit in the Boer Army and refused to allow Russian Jews to join it. On the other hand, the British, enraged that such recent emigres should take up arms against them, found it convenient to regard them as Russians and deported large numbers of them back to Russia to face the pogroms again, an act of callousness which has never attracted the attention - or opprobrium - it deserves. (In 1946, Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin repeated this heartless procedure by returning Jewish refugees trying to reach Palestine back to detention camps in Germany.)

    Not much is known about the Russian Jews who fought on the Boer side, though several rose to significant rank; we find a Commandant Kaplan and a Commandant Isaac Herman, while two others, Josef Segal ('Jackals') and Wolf Jacobson ('Wolf'), who acted as scouts, were legendary figures in their time; Segal became a special adviser and secret agent for the Boer general, Christiaan de Wet. Benzion Aaron, by now a very wealthy man and a personal friend of Kruger, set up a Jewish Ambulance Corps and bankrolled whole depots for the Boers. The anti-Semitism of the Russian nationalist volunteers doesn't seem to have caused any difficulties. Wounded nationalists were shown great solicitousness by Aaron's ambulance corps while the members of the anti-Semitic Russian Commando, according to their own reports, were greeted as compatriots on their arrival by Russian Jews who showered them with fruit, cigars and good wishes.

    Last July, the remains of Tsar Nicholas and his family were ceremoniously buried at St Petersburg, exactly 80 years after they were murdered by the Bolsheviks at Yekaterinburg, in the Urals, for fear of the advancing white Russians. The opposition of King George V in 1917 to grant his deposed cousin asylum in Britain, may have sealed the imperial family's fate.

    The British Empire came to an end after W.W.II. It did so in an orderly manner as no other empire in history. Overnight, it became The Commonwealth. Even without "British" and without the crown, it goes from strength to strength.

    South Africa that had left it earlier came running back under Mandela. This augurs well both for South Africa as well as for the Commonwealth.

    Just like the Jews, by sheer tenacity and obduracy, the British have left their mark in the world. The one has given half of mankind its religious beliefs; the other has given half mankind the nearest thing to an international language, as well as, the tradition of Parliamentary democracy.
