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  • Waarom is ons hier? 'n geheimsinnige waarheid agter die oorspronklike Bybelverhale.

    Waarom is ons hier? 'n geheimsinnige waarheid agter die oorspronklike Bybelverhale.

    Die Bybel is nog altyd 'n onderwerp van kontroversie, bespiegeling en leen homself uit tot n almintige hoeveelheid samesweringsteorie?. Mens wonder hoekom en sommige geleerdes kom tot gevolgtrekkening dat die boek saamgestel is uit 'n menigede geskrifte uit baie ouer tradisies en tydperke wat oorspronklik 'n ander verhaal vertel as wat vir ons voorgehou word.
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  • The Exodus legend - Jewish History, or Ancient Semitic Memory?

    The Exodus legend - Jewish History, or Ancient Semitic Memory?

    And it came to pass that the Hyksos were expelled from Egypt. Archeologists posit that traumatic event as a possible source of the Exodus legend.

    The Exodus is arguably the most famous of all of the Biblical tales, yet there is no real evidence that it ever actually happened. At least, not the way that the Bible says it did.
    This is not to say that archaeologists have not looked. Many have tried to find some evidence, any evidence to grab onto. Nothing tangible has ever been found....
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  • Die Verborge Hand agter die Boereoorlog.

    Die Verborge Hand agter die Boereoorlog.

    Deur: Waldor

    Oor die oorsake van die Boereoorlog is daar nou al wyd geredeneer. Die een skool l? dit aan die voete van Britse Imperialisme en die ander blameer die oorloglustigheid en domastrantheid van die Boere daarvoor. Die Britte antwoord dat hulle opgetree het vir menseregte omdat die Boere die uitlanders uiters onmenslik behandel het, en die Boere hou vol dat hulle hul vaderland, hul onafhanklikheid en vryheid beskerm het. Maar die ewigdurende polemiek rondom die oorsake van die Boereoorlog is in n sin, eintlik tiperend van ander groot oorlo? wat hierdie w?reld beleef het Terwyl die betrokke moondhede stry oor wie eintlik die skuld moet dra, word die aandag afgeskram van die werklike skuldiges. Dieselfde mense wat die Tweede W?reldoorlog en die huidige Midde Oosterse konflik ontketen het, was agter die Boereoorlog. Net soos wat die bloed van die meer as sestig miljoen mense in die Tweede W?reldoorlog, die rykdom vir n gewetenlose elite finansier het, netso word die direkte verlengstuk van dieselfde elite, versterk deur die bloed van die westerse Christen soldate en die bloed en onderdrukking van die Arabiese w?reld. En netso, kan die permanente skade wat die Boereoorlog vir die Afrikaner gebring het en die bloed en lyding van ons 29,000 vroue en kindertjies, aan die voete gele word van die mense wat valslik beweer dat ses miljoen van hulle eie vergas is...

    Hier was so n rukkie terug n artikel op Woes waar daar geskryf is dat die Boere se oorloglustigheid eintlik die oorsaak van die oorlog was. Die boere se treklus is gekoppel aan die oorloglustigheid Daar is geskryf dat ...Kruger se belhamels...waarlik lief daarvoor was om oorlog te praat daar word verder gegaan en impliseer dat die boere se bereidwilligheid om te veg ...die vinnigste manier... was om jou ...politieke opponente te isoleer... Ek gebruik hierdie verwysing omdat dit presies in lyn val met die beskouings en argumente wat die Engelse daardie tyd voorgehou het en in die w?reld versprei het. So reg in Engelse kraal, gaan die artikel verder, en word daar geskryf: Dit was grotendeels met hierdie soort agterlike magsbehepte idiote waarmee Kruger oorlog verklaar het teen Engeland ...
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  • 1,200-year-old Islamic-period Town Found in Israel, but You Will Never See It

    1,200-year-old Islamic-period Town Found in Israel, but You Will Never See It

    Nebi Zechariah once housed Christians and Muslims living together, and now it's going to house a logistics center.
    Here?s why Israeli salvage digs almost always end in development.

    Archaeologists digging in central Israel have uncovered the remains of a prosperous rural town from the early Islamic period. They unearthed luxurious homes decorated with mosaics and arches, plastered water cisterns, and once-bustling oil presses and glass workshops from about a thousand years ago. ...
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  • Banned from the Bible

    Banned from the Bible

    Banned from the Bible is a 120 minute show produced in 2003 by Film Roos for the History Channel and shown on A&E. It was broadcast in 2006.

    This show provide an excellent history of the early Church, then intensively discusses 8 of the books that were not included in the bible. These are : Life of Adam and Eve, Jubilees, Book of Enoch, Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Protoevalgelion of James, Gospel of Nicodemus, Gospel of Mary, and the Apocalypse of Peter. The discussions are generally accurate and insightful. The editing is very good, moving from pictures to talking heads and back again.

    The Stories That Were Deleted From Biblical History

    When Jesus was a boy, did he kill another child? Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute -- or an apostle? Did Cain commit incest? Will there be an apocalypse or is this God's trick to scare us? The answers to these questions aren't found in the Bible as we know it, but they exist in scriptures banned when powerful leaders deemed them unacceptable for reasons both political and religious. BANNED FROM THE BIBLE reveals some of these alternative tales and examines why they were "too hot for Christianity." The two-hour world premiere BANNED FROM THE BIBLE airs on Christmas, Thursday, December 25 at 9 pm ET/PT.

    The Life of Adam and Eve, The Book of Enoch, The Book of Jubilees, The Infancy Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Mary, The Apocalypse of Peter...these are just a few of the books that were left out of the Bible. The reasons why they were excluded provide astonishing insight into the concerns of church leaders and scholars responsible for spreading the faith an illuminating look at early Christian and religious history.

    One hundred and fifty years after the birth of Jesus, a man named Marcion decided that a Christian Bible was needed to replace the Hebrew Bible. Church leaders opposed Marcion's banning of the Hebrew books, but they did agree that Christians should have a Bible to call their own. After Constantine the Great converted to Christianity in the 4th century, a serious effort was made to compile a Christian Bible, one that included both the Hebrew scriptures (the Old Testament) and Christian manuscripts (the New Testament). It took another 40 years before a final list of New Testament books was officially canonized by the church. Many of the most popular were excluded. Upon examination today, many of these writings attempt to resolve inconsistencies and questions raised from reading the Bible. ...
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  • Jewish God Yahweh Originated in Canaanite Vulcan, Says New Theory

    Jewish God Yahweh Originated in Canaanite Vulcan, Says New Theory

    The cult of YHWH as god of metallurgy originated among semi-nomadic copper smelters between the Bronze and Iron Age, suggests biblical scholar: And he was not worshipped only by Jews.

    TIMNA ? Around 3,200 years ago, the great empires around the Mediterranean and the Middle East suddenly imploded. The Egyptians retreated from Canaan and the copper mines of Timna in the Negev, skulking back to the banks of the Nile. And in the arid wastes of southern Canaan, a new power arose....
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  • The Christian Goddess

    The Christian Goddess

    There are several female Deities that can lay claim to the title Christian goddess. Mary, the Mother of Jesus/Yeshua, first comes to mind. There is Mary Magdalene the ?Goddess in the Gospels? the Church refused to acknowledge as the wife of Yeshua and probably co-Messiah. ?Mary? is a Greek pronunciation of the Hebrew name Miriam or Miriamne. There are many theories about this name, such as Mary might not even be a name, but a title meaning Priestess of Goddess.

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  • When the Jews Believed in Other Gods

    When the Jews Believed in Other Gods

    The bible is rife with references to deities other than Yahweh:
    The prophets didn't deny these gods existed,
    they just didn't think Jews should worship them.

    There is but one God, according to Jewish religious dogma. No other exists. We tend to assume that our forefathers devoutly believed the same. But the truth is that the Bible also shows, time and again, that wasn't the prevailing system of belief among the ancient Israelites.

    The different scribes who wrote most of the biblical canon believed the incorporeal world was populated by a multitude of gods, but that the Hebrews should not worship any of these other deities, only Yahweh (which is what scholars call henotheism or monolatry). This is explicitly stated in the Second Commandment: Thou shalt have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:3).

    The verse "Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods?" (Exodus 15:11) is even more explicit about other gods existing alongside Yahweh.

    Among the books of the Bible we find reference to a great many other gods, sometimes with explicit references to miracles performed by them. These gods are generally members of the West Semitic pantheon of gods, those worshipped by people speaking languages closely related to Hebrew. ...
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  • Die Witman se Geloof Die Hamer van Thor - I

    Die Witman se Geloof Die Hamer van Thor - I

    Die Witman se Geloof
    Die Hamer van Thor - I

    Deur: Waldor

    Lees hier:
    Die Hamer van Thor

    Die betekenis van Thor se hamer, Thor se hamer is 'n algemene gesig in geskiedenis, letterkunde en kuns - maar min mense ken die storie daaragter. Die Noorse god Thor was 'n belangrike lid van die panteon van Noorse gode, met sy status gelykstaande aan dié van Odin, sy vader. Thor is die vegter van die gode, goedhartig en nogal brutaal. Hy gebruik 'n ...
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  • Destruction of texts and deification of Jesus

    Destruction of texts and deification of Jesus

    Tony Bushby said in his book entitled ?The Bible Fraud? that his study to the version of the Holy Bible known as (Codex Sinai), the oldest version of the Holy Bible that discovered in Sinai which was said that it was dated back to the fourth century, demonstrated 14800 contradictories to the present the Holy Bible.
    Accordingly, this proves how much changes and modifications such a book really suffers from.

    The researcher confirmed that no one can know the real condition...
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  • Waarom is ons hier? 'n geheimsinnige waarheid agter die oorspronklike Bybelverhale.
    by Stefanus
    Die Bybel is nog altyd 'n onderwerp van kontroversie, bespiegeling en leen homself uit tot n almintige hoeveelheid samesweringsteorie?. Mens wonder hoekom en sommige geleerdes kom tot gevolgtrekkening dat die boek saamgestel is uit 'n menigede geskrifte uit baie ouer tradisies en tydperke wat oorspronklik 'n ander verhaal vertel as wat vir ons voorgehou word.
    16 September 2021, 14:45
  • The Exodus legend - Jewish History, or Ancient Semitic Memory?
    by Stefanus
    And it came to pass that the Hyksos were expelled from Egypt. Archeologists posit that traumatic event as a possible source of the Exodus legend.

    The Exodus is arguably the most famous of all of the Biblical tales, yet there is no real evidence that it ever actually happened. At least, not the way that the Bible says it did.
    This is not to say that archaeologists have not looked. Many have tried to find some evidence, any evidence to grab onto. Nothing tangible has ever been found....
    3 September 2021, 23:39
  • The Forty-Two Principles Of Maat
    by Stefanus
    Are The Ten Commandments Based On The Forty-Two Principles Of Maat That Appeared 2,000 Years Earlier?

    5 March 2019, 16:34
  • 1,200-year-old Islamic-period Town Found in Israel, but You Will Never See It
    by Stefanus
    Nebi Zechariah once housed Christians and Muslims living together, and now it's going to house a logistics center.
    Here?s why Israeli salvage digs almost always end in development.

    Archaeologists digging in central Israel have uncovered the remains of a prosperous rural town from the early Islamic period. They unearthed luxurious homes decorated with mosaics and arches, plastered water cisterns, and once-bustling oil presses and glass workshops from about a thousand years ago. ...
    15 January 2025, 05:20
  • The Christian Goddess
    by Stefanus
    There are several female Deities that can lay claim to the title Christian goddess. Mary, the Mother of Jesus/Yeshua, first comes to mind. There is Mary Magdalene the ?Goddess in the Gospels? the Church refused to acknowledge as the wife of Yeshua and probably co-Messiah. ?Mary? is a Greek pronunciation of the Hebrew name Miriam or Miriamne. There are many theories about this name, such as Mary might not even be a name, but a title meaning Priestess of Goddess.

    15 January 2025, 05:20
  • Genocide of the Holy Bloodline
    by Stefanus


    Genocide of the Holy Bloodline

    By Dan Green

    Just about everything imaginable has been either said or suggested about the biblical figure presented to us as Mary Magdalene. That much we can agree. The most favoured and recent of the many hypothesis is that she was the partner of the historical and biblical figurehead Jesus carrying his child and along with that the continuation of a Holy Bloodline. This Mary figure, who after the biblical account where she was the first to visit the tomb of the rising Christ, simply vanishes from record yet warrants becoming an object of character assassination by the Catholic Church and added to their tarnishing of all things female by virtue of Original Sin propaganda and inventing us the lie that she was a prostitute. This enigmatic Mary must have been a potent female in particular, an actual spiritual Teacher who had a following whose importance may well have been thought better removed in order to satisfy a preferred emphasis on a male Jesus figure to cater for the deep-seated homosexual tendencies that have now been brought to light by the exposure of systematic and covered up Catholic Church child abuse in both USA and Ireland and suspected in many other countries if not all where Catholicism is rooted. That the figure of Mary Magdalene may well have been far more important in history than we could have imagined, eclipsing that of the male Jesus storyline as it is told, may well be one of the better secrets held in relation to her and the mystery attached to Rennes-le-Chateau. Is her connection with blood ? menstruation ? the one thing a male church hierarchy loathed, to menstruate being ?men?s true hate?? Was this enigmatic Mary considered such a threat that she was physically removed from accurate recordings of history that would displease the Church, preferring an emphasis on an elevated and deified male Jesus figure? This story line may be some two thousand years ago, but in that time human nature has changed little and powerful women who worry the residing male authority of the day are usually removed, Princess Diana and Benazir Bhutto being two recent examples. Could a pregnant Mary Magdalene have been demised?
    15 January 2025, 05:20