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  • ASCII Code - The extended ASCII tableASCII
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ASCII Code - The extended ASCII table

The following ASCII table contains both ASCII control characters,
ASCII printable characters and the extended ASCII character
set ISO 8859-1, also called ISO Latin1

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It's a 7-bit character code where every single bit represents a unique character. On this webpage you will find 8 bits, 256 characters, according to ISO 8859-1 and Microsoft® Windows Latin-1 increased characters, which is available in certain programs such as Microsoft Word.

ASCII control characters
( Character Code 0-31 )

The first 32 characters in the ASCII-table are unprintable control codes and are used to control peripherals such as printers.

DECOCTHEXALTSymbolHTML NumberDescription
000000Alt 0NUL�Null char
100101Alt 1SOHStart of Heading
200202Alt 2STXStart of Text
300303Alt 3ETXEnd of Text
400404Alt 4EOTEnd of Transmission
500505Alt 5ENQEnquiry
600606Alt 6ACKAcknowledgment
700707Alt 7BELBell
801008Alt 8 BSBack Space
901109Alt 9 HT	Horizontal Tab
100120AAlt 10 LF
Line Feed
110130BAlt 11 VTVertical Tab
120140CAlt 12 FFForm Feed
130150DAlt 13 CR
Carriage Return
140160EAlt 14 SOShift Out / X-On
150170FAlt 15 SIShift In / X-Off
1602010Alt 16DLEData Line Escape
1702111Alt 17DC1Device Control 1 (oft. XON)
1802212Alt 18DC2Device Control 2
1902313Alt 19DC3Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)
2002414Alt 20DC4Device Control 4
2102515Alt 21NAKNegative Acknowledgement
2202616Alt 22SYNSynchronous Idle
2302717Alt 23ETBEnd of Transmit Block
2403018Alt 24CANCancel
2503119Alt 25 EMEnd of Medium
260321AAlt 26SUBSubstitute
270331BAlt 27ESCEscape
280341CAlt 28 FSFile Separator
290351DAlt 29 GSGroup Separator
300361EAlt 30 RSRecord Separator
310371FAlt 31 USUnit Separator

ASCII printable characters
( Character Code 32-127 )

Codes 32-127 are common for all the different variations of the ASCII table, they are called printable characters, represent letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a few miscellaneous symbols. You will find almost every character on your keyboard. Character 127 represents the command DEL.

DECOCTHEXALTSymbolHTML NumberDescription
3204020Alt 32  Space
3304121Alt 33!!Exclamation mark
3404222Alt 34"" "Double quotes (or speech marks)
3504323Alt 35##Number
3604424Alt 36$$Dollar
3704525Alt 37%%Procenttecken
3804626Alt 38&& &Ampersand
3904727Alt 39''Single quote
4005028Alt 40((Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
4105129Alt 41))Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
420522AAlt 42**Asterisk
430532BAlt 43++Plus
440542CAlt 44,,Comma
450552DAlt 45--Hyphen
460562EAlt 46..Period, dot or full stop
470572FAlt 47//Slash or divide
4806030Alt 4800Zero
4906131Alt 4911One
5006232Alt 5022Two
5106333Alt 5133Three
5206434Alt 5244Four
5306535Alt 5355Five
5406636Alt 5466Six
5506737Alt 5577Seven
5607038Alt 5688Eight
5707139Alt 5799Nine
580723AAlt 58::Colon
590733BAlt 59;&#59;Semicolon
600743CAlt 60<&#60; &lt;Less than (or open angled bracket)
610753DAlt 61=&#61;Equals
620763EAlt 62>&#62; &gt;Greater than (or close angled bracket)
630773FAlt 63?&#63;Question mark
6410040Alt 64@&#64;At symbol
6510141Alt 65A&#65;Uppercase A
6610242Alt 66B&#66;Uppercase B
6710343Alt 67C&#67;Uppercase C
6810444Alt 68D&#68;Uppercase D
6910545Alt 69E&#69;Uppercase E
7010646Alt 70F&#70;Uppercase F
7110747Alt 71G&#71;Uppercase G
7211048Alt 72H&#72;Uppercase H
7311149Alt 73I&#73;Uppercase I
741124AAlt 74J&#74;Uppercase J
751134BAlt 75K&#75;Uppercase K
761144CAlt 76L&#76;Uppercase L
771154DAlt 77M&#77;Uppercase M
781164EAlt 78N&#78;Uppercase N
791174FAlt 79O&#79;Uppercase O
8012050Alt 80P&#80;Uppercase P
8112151Alt 81Q&#81;Uppercase Q
8212252Alt 82R&#82;Uppercase R
8312353Alt 83S&#83;Uppercase S
8412454Alt 84T&#84;Uppercase T
8512555Alt 85U&#85;Uppercase U
8612656Alt 86V&#86;Uppercase V
8712757Alt 87W&#87;Uppercase W
8813058Alt 88X&#88;Uppercase X
8913159Alt 89Y&#89;Uppercase Y
901325AAlt 90Z&#90;Uppercase Z
911335BAlt 91[&#91;Opening bracket
921345CAlt 92\&#92;Backslash
931355DAlt 93]&#93;Closing bracket
941365EAlt 94^&#94;Caret - circumflex
951375FAlt 95_&#95;Underscore
9614060Alt 96`&#96;Grave accent
9714161Alt 97A&#97;Lowercase a
9814262Alt 98B&#98;Lowercase b
9914363Alt 99C&#99;Lowercase c
10014464Alt 100D&#100;Lowercase d
10114565Alt 101E&#101;Lowercase e
10214666Alt 102F&#102;Lowercase f
10314767Alt 103g&#103;Lowercase g
10415068Alt 104h&#104;Lowercase h
10515169Alt 105i&#105;Lowercase i
1061526AAlt 106j&#106;Lowercase j
1071536BAlt 107k&#107;Lowercase k
1081546CAlt 108l&#108;Lowercase l
1091556DAlt 109m&#109;Lowercase m
1101566EAlt 110n&#110;Lowercase n
1111576FAlt 111o&#111;Lowercase o
11216070Alt 112p&#112;Lowercase p
11316171Alt 113q&#113;Lowercase q
11416272Alt 114r&#114;Lowercase r
11516373Alt 115s&#115;Lowercase s
11616474Alt 116t&#116;Lowercase t
11716575Alt 117u&#117;Lowercase u
11816676Alt 118v&#118;Lowercase v
11916777Alt 119w&#119;Lowercase w
12017078Alt 120x&#120;Lowercase x
12117179Alt 121y&#121;Lowercase y
1221727AAlt 122z&#122;Lowercase z
1231737BAlt 123{&#123;Opening brace
1241747CAlt 124 |&#124;Vertical bar
1251757DAlt 125}&#125;Closing brace
1261767EAlt 126~&#126;Equivalency sign - tilde
1271777FAlt 127 &#127;Delete

The extended ASCII codes
( Character Code 128-255 )

There are several different variations of the 8-bit ASCII table. The table below is according to ISO 8859-1, also called ISO Latin-1. Codes 129-159 contain the Microsoft® Windows Latin-1 extended characters.

DECOCTHEXALTSymbolHTML NumberDescription
12820080Alt 0128&#128; &euro;Euro sign
12920181Alt 0129   
13020282Alt 0130&#130; &sbquo;Single low-9 quotation mark
13120383Alt 0131ƒ&#131; &fnof;Latin small letter f with hook
13220484Alt 0132&#132; &bdquo;Double low-9 quotation mark
13320585Alt 0133&#133; &hellip;Horizontal ellipsis
13420686Alt 0134&#134; &dagger;Dagger
13520787Alt 0135&#135; &Dagger;Double dagger
13621088Alt 0136ˆ&#136; &circ;Modifier letter circumflex accent
13721189Alt 0137&#137; &permil;Per mille sign
1382128AAlt 0138Š&#138; &Scaron;Latin capital letter S with caron
1392138BAlt 0139&#139; &lsaquo;Single left-pointing angle quotation
1402148CAlt 0140Œ&#140; &OElig;Latin capital ligature OE
1412158DAlt 0141   
1422168EAlt 0142Ž&#142;Latin captial letter Z with caron
1432178FAlt 0143   
14422090Alt 0144   
14522191Alt 0145&#145; &lsquo;Left single quotation mark
14622292Alt 0146 &#146; &rsquo;Right single quotation mark
14722393Alt 0147&#147; &ldquo;Left double quotation mark
14822494Alt 0148 &#148; &rdquo;Right double quotation mark
14922595Alt 0149&#149; &bull;Bullet
15022696Alt 0150&#150; &ndash;En dash
15122797Alt 0151&#151; &mdash;Em dash
15223098Alt 0152˜˜˜ &#152; &tilde;Small tilde
15323199Alt 0153&#153; &trade;Trade mark sign
1542329AAlt 0154š&#154; &scaron;Latin small letter S with caron
1552339BAlt 0155&#155; &rsaquo;Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
1562349CAlt 0156œ&#156; &oelig;Latin small ligature oe
1572359DAlt 0157   
1582369EAlt 0158ž&#158;Latin small letter z with caron
1592379FAlt 0159Ÿ&#159; &yuml;Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
160240A0Alt 0160 &#160; &nbsp;Non-breaking space
161241A1Alt 0161¡&#161; &iexcl;Inverted exclamation mark
162242A2Alt 0162¢&#162; &cent;Cent sign
163243A3Alt 0163£&#163; &pound;Pound sign
164244A4Alt 0164¤&#164; &curren;Currency sign
165245A5Alt 0165¥&#165; &yen;Yen sign
166246A6Alt 0166¦&#166; &brvbar;Pipe, Broken vertical bar
167247A7Alt 0167§&#167; &sect;Section sign
168250A8Alt 0168¨&#168; &uml;Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169251A9Alt 0169©&#169; &copy;Copyright sign
170252AAAlt 0170ª&#170; &ordf;Feminine ordinal indicator
171253ABAlt 0171«&#171; &laquo;Left double angle quotes
172254ACAlt 0172¬&#172; &not;Not sign
173255ADAlt 0173&#173; &shy;Soft hyphen
174256AEAlt 0174®&#174; &reg;Registered trade mark sign
175257AFAlt 0175¯&#175; &macr;Spacing macron - overline
176260B0Alt 0176°&#176; &deg;Degree sign
177261B1Alt 0177±&#177; &plusmn;Plus-or-minus sign
178262B2Alt 0178²&#178; &sup2;Superscript two - squared
179263B3Alt 0179³&#179; &sup3;Superscript three - cubed
180264B4Alt 0180´&#180; &acute;Acute accent - spacing acute
181265B5Alt 0181µ&#181; &micro;Micro sign
182266B6Alt 0182&#182; &para;Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183267B7Alt 0183·&#183; &middot;Middle dot - Georgian comma
184270B8Alt 0184¸&#184; &cedil;Spacing cedilla
185271B9Alt 0185¹&#185; &sup1;Superscript one
186272BAAlt 0186º&#186; &ordm;Masculine ordinal indicator
187273BBAlt 0187»&#187; &raquo;Right double angle quotes
188274BCAlt 0188¼&#188; &frac14;Fraction one quarter
189275BDAlt 0189½&#189; &frac12;Fraction one half
190276BEAlt 0190¾&#190; &frac34;Fraction three quarters
191277BFAlt 0191¿&#191; &iquest;Inverted question mark
192300C0Alt 0192À&#192; &Agrave;Latin capital letter A with grave
193301C1Alt 0193Á&#193; &Aacute;Latin capital letter A with acute
194302C2Alt 0194Â&#194; &Acirc;Latin capital letter A with circumflex
195303C3Alt 0195Ã&#195; &Atilde;Latin capital letter A with tilde
196304C4Alt 0196Ä&#196; &Auml;Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
197305C5Alt 0197Å&#197; &Aring;Latin capital letter A with ring above
198306C6Alt 0198Æ&#198; &AElig;Latin capital letter AE
199307C7Alt 0199Ç&#199; &Ccedil;Latin capital letter C with cedilla
200310C8Alt 0200È&#200; &Egrave;Latin capital letter E with grave
201311C9Alt 0201É&#201; &Eacute;Latin capital letter E with acute
202312CAAlt 0202Ê&#202; &Ecirc;Latin capital letter E with circumflex
203313CBAlt 0203Ë&#203; &Euml;Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
204314CCAlt 0204Ì&#204; &Igrave;Latin capital letter I with grave
205315CDAlt 0205Í&#205; &Iacute;Latin capital letter I with acute
206316CEAlt 0206Î&#206; &Icirc;Latin capital letter I with circumflex
207317CFAlt 0207Ï&#207; &Iuml;Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
208320D0Alt 0208Ð&#208; &ETH;Latin capital letter ETH
209321D1Alt 0209Ñ&#209; &Ntilde;Latin capital letter N with tilde
210322D2Alt 0210Ò&#210; &Ograve;Latin capital letter O with grave
211323D3Alt 0211Ó&#211; &Oacute;Latin capital letter O with acute
212324D4Alt 0212Ô&#212; &Ocirc;Latin capital letter O with circumflex
213325D5Alt 0213Õ&#213; &Otilde;Latin capital letter O with tilde
214326D6Alt 0214Ö&#214; &Ouml;Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
215327D7Alt 0215×&#215; &times;Multiplication sign
216330D8Alt 0216Ø&#216; &Oslash;Latin capital letter O with slash
217331D9Alt 0217Ù&#217; &Ugrave;Latin capital letter U with grave
218332DAAlt 0218Ú&#218; &Uacute;Latin capital letter U with acute
219333DBAlt 0219Û&#219; &Ucirc;Latin capital letter U with circumflex
220334DCAlt 0220Ü&#220; &Uuml;Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
221335DDAlt 0221Ý&#221; &Yacute;Latin capital letter Y with acute
222336DEAlt 0222Þ&#222; &THORN;Latin capital letter THORN
223337DFAlt 0223 ß&#223; &szlig;Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
224340E0Alt 0224à&#224; &agrave;Latin small letter a with grave
225341E1Alt 0225á&#225; &aacute;Latin small letter a with acute
226342E2Alt 0226â&#226; &acirc;Latin small letter a with circumflex
227343E3Alt 0227ã&#227; &atilde;Latin small letter a with tilde
228344E4Alt 0228ä&#228; &auml;Latin small letter a with diaeresis
229345E5Alt 0229å&#229; &aring;Latin small letter a with ring above
230346E6Alt 0230æ&#230; &aelig;Latin small letter ae
231347E7Alt 0231ç&#231; &ccedil;Latin small letter c with cedilla
232350E8Alt 0232è&#232; &egrave;Latin small letter e with grave
233351E9Alt 0233é&#233; &eacute;Latin small letter e with acute
234352EAAlt 0234ê&#234; &ecirc;Latin small letter e with circumflex
235353EBAlt 0235ë&#235; &euml;Latin small letter e with diaeresis
236354ECAlt 0236ì&#236; &igrave;Latin small letter i with grave
237355EDAlt 0237í&#237; &iacute;Latin small letter i with acute
238356EEAlt 0238î&#238; &icirc;Latin small letter i with circumflex
239357EFAlt 0239ï&#239; &iuml;Latin small letter i with diaeresis
240360F0Alt 0240ð&#240; &eth;Latin small letter eth
241361F1Alt 0241ñ&#241; &ntilde;Latin small letter n with tilde
242362F2Alt 0242ò&#242; &ograve;Latin small letter o with grave
243363F3Alt 0243ó&#243; &oacute;Latin small letter o with acute
244364F4Alt 0244ô&#244; &ocirc;Latin small letter o with circumflex
245365F5Alt 0245õ&#245; &otilde;Latin small letter o with tilde
246366F6Alt 0246ö&#246; &ouml;Latin small letter o with diaeresis
247367F7Alt 0247÷&#247; &divide;Division sign
248370F8Alt 0248ø&#248; &oslash;Latin small letter o with slash
249371F9Alt 0249ù&#249; &ugrave;Latin small letter u with grave
250372FAAlt 0250ú&#250; &uacute;Latin small letter u with acute
251373FBAlt 0251û&#251; &ucirc;Latin small letter u with circumflex
252374FCAlt 0252ü&#252; &uuml;Latin small letter u with diaeresis
253375FDAlt 0253ý&#253; &yacute;Latin small letter y with acute
254376FEAlt 0254þ&#254; &thorn;Latin small letter thorn
255377FFAlt 0255ÿ&#255; &yuml;Latin small letter y with diaeresis